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Clémentine Charuel


- Saturday 1st of April - 16h30 - Atplexe 2

After participating in the Master Class of music composition for image with Renaud Barbier in 2020, the composer comes back in 2023 to present Cherry, a feature film which puts us in the skin of a young woman who only has 24 hours to decide what to do about an unwanted pregnancy. A very delicate movie, funny and witty.

Since her debut in film music, Clémentine Charuel has worked on a wide variety of audiovisual projects. From the feature film Cherry (directed by Sophie Galibert, awarded at Tribeca in 2022), to the short film Phosphore (directed by Antoine Devulder, a student at the Fémis), to the documentary Wild Beauty and the series Astrid et Raphaëlle (additional music), these very different projects have taken her on a journey through diametrically opposed universes and have greatly enriched her.

Film music was a revelation when Clémentine put together her main influences: passionate about cinema and music, she has always associated images, stories and dreams to what she heard, played or wrote. If her first compositions were very marked by orchestral music, Clémentine likes to mix it today with more electronic instruments and vocal textures. Her passages in different musical spheres have given her the desire to constantly renew herself and to experiment with new ways of thinking and writing music.


Filmographie (sélective)

2022 Cherry de/by Sophie Galibert (feature film)

2021 Phosphore de/by Antoine Devulder (short film)

2020 Breathe de/by Yves Lacroix (short film)

2019 Spirit’s Journey de/by Serena Tu (short film)

2017 Iris de/by Anthony Mambré (short film)

2016 Colette et la salle B-12 de/by Alexandra Karamisaris (short film)