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Literary Film-Concert:
le journal d'Anne Frank,
récit d'une vie cachée

Could you endure 761 days in hiding, fraught with anguish, fear, and cramped quarters?

Through an immersive experience delving into the Diary of Anne Frank, featuring readings, simultaneous projection of a film made by Collectif Cocotte Minute with contemporary dance, and live original music, we delve into Anne Frank's harrowing two years. Witness her daily struggle with fear and desperation as she navigates adolescence amidst the terror of Nazi persecution.

This sensitive, poetic journey allows us to encounter Anne Frank beyond her symbolic status, revealing the raw, unsettling essence of her words.


    • Video Design and Production: Alexandre Lucchino and Cécile Quaranta
    • Reading and Acting: Magali Fremin du Sartel
    • Video Dance Choreography: Compagnie Boutabou
    • Original Music Composition and Violin: Benjamin Balthazar
    • Sound and Technology: Sylvie Maestro


    With the kind permission of the ANNE FRANK FONDS, Basel, Switzerland. Supported by the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah, City of Marseille, Mairie 4 et 5 de Marseille, DRAC PACA Ministère de la Culture (as part of Rouvrir le Monde - été culturel 2021-2022-2023), Département des Bouches-du-Rhône (educational actions 2021-2022-2023 and Provence en Scène 2024-2025), and Fondation du Crédit Mutuel pour la lecture. With additional support from La Distillerie Aubagne, théâtre du Hang'Art Marseille, and théâtre Comoedia Aubagne.